Navigating Political Advertising on Social Media in Aruba: A Comprehensive Guide for the December 2024 Elections

With elections now confirmed for December 6, 2024, political candidates in Aruba have less time than anticipated to engage with voters and build strong campaigns. Social media will be a critical tool for reaching a broad audience quickly and effectively. Whether it's through Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or other platforms, candidates must move swiftly to craft a compelling online presence. This guide provides a roadmap for candidates to navigate major social platforms—Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter/X, YouTube, and Google Ads—and leverage them to their full potential within Aruba’s unique political landscape.

Mastering Facebook and Instagram: The Cornerstones of Political Outreach in Aruba

Facebook dominates as the largest social media platform on the island, often referred to as the “town square of Aruba.” With 56.3% of its users male and 43.7% female, it’s a key space for political engagement across various demographics, particularly for users aged 25-44, who make up a significant portion of the platform’s audience​.

Engagement on Facebook is highly driven by visual content. Native videos, uploaded directly to Facebook, and live streaming are particularly effective in amplifying visibility. Facebook Live, in particular, generates 10 times more comments than regular videos. This presents an excellent opportunity for candidates to hold town hall-style meetings, Q&A sessions, or even stream live from campaign events​.

Similarly, Instagram ranks as the second most popular platform in Aruba, where younger generations, including millennials and Gen Z, are highly active​. Instagram Reels and Stories are ideal tools for showcasing personal sides of candidates, offering insights into their lives and platforms in a way that feels less formal and more engaging. Consistent, well-curated content can make candidates feel more accessible and relatable, a key factor in securing votes from younger demographics.

TikTok’s Untapped Potential: Engaging the Next Generation of Voters

TikTok is quickly gaining traction in Aruba, particularly among millennials and Gen Z​. While TikTok’s strict policy prohibits paid political advertising, the platform’s ability to deliver organic reach remains unmatched. TikTok’s algorithm actively pushes engaging, trend-driven content to new audiences, making it a perfect platform for candidates to showcase their personalities through creative, authentic videos​.

Politicians can take advantage of TikTok’s trend-based nature by creating videos that are fun, informative, and align with local and global trends. Highlighting personal stories, providing behind-the-scenes campaign content, or creating informative content in bite-sized formats are effective ways to resonate with younger voters. This type of organic, relatable content allows candidates to build trust and relatability.

LinkedIn: The Platform for Policy-Driven Conversations and Professional Engagement

Though LinkedIn is often overlooked in political campaigns, it provides a unique opportunity to connect with Aruba’s professional community and discuss policy-driven issues. With a slightly older demographic and more professional tone, LinkedIn is ideal for detailed content like articles on policy positions, in-depth discussions on local issues, and thought leadership​.

By sharing long-form content, political candidates can position themselves as experts in their fields, engaging with professionals who may influence public opinion. Additionally, LinkedIn offers options for political ads, provided they are transparently labeled and comply with the platform’s regulations.

Twitter/X: Real-Time Interaction and Strategic Political Discourse

Twitter (rebranded as X) remains vital for real-time political engagement. Its fast-paced nature allows candidates to interact directly with voters, share updates, and respond quickly to current events. For Aruban candidates, leveraging Twitter/X to address local concerns and foster dialogue can enhance engagement.

While Twitter allows political advertising, strict regulations apply, including identity verification and transparency. Candidates should focus on maintaining a positive and constructive tone, avoiding divisive rhetoric, which could harm their reputation​.

YouTube: Deepening Voter Connection Through Long-Form Content

YouTube offers the space to share long-form content, such as campaign speeches, interviews, or deep dives into policy discussions. In Aruba, YouTube continues to grow as a preferred platform for detailed video content​. Google’s political advertising policies allow candidates to run ads on YouTube, making it a valuable tool for reaching a broader audience.

Candidates can use YouTube to explain their platforms in more depth, sharing videos that offer a deeper understanding of their vision for Aruba’s future. Optimizing these videos with relevant keywords ensures they reach voters effectively.

Google Ads: Expanding Your Campaign’s Reach with Precision

Google Ads provides candidates in Aruba with an opportunity to expand their campaign's reach beyond social media. Google’s policies for political advertising ensure transparency, making it an ideal platform for running targeted ads that connect voters with relevant campaign information across search engines, YouTube, and partner sites.

Ethical Campaigning: Building Trust Through Transparency and Integrity

Ethical considerations are critical to political advertising in Aruba, where trust and transparency are paramount. In an era of misinformation, candidates must ensure their communications are truthful and respectful. This not only helps build trust with voters but also complies with the strict policies set forth by platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google​.

Crafting Compelling Content: The Art of Storytelling in Political Campaigns

Content is king, especially in Aruba’s evolving digital landscape. Candidates should focus on storytelling that highlights their personal journey, commitment to public service, and policy vision. Engaging and visually appealing content—such as Instagram Reels or Facebook Live sessions—can humanize candidates, allowing them to connect on a more personal level with the electorate​.

For instance, candidates can take advantage of Aruba's local holidays, cultural events, and community activities to create content that demonstrates their involvement and alignment with local values. This approach strengthens their connection with voters and shows that they understand the community’s needs.

Crisis Management: Turning Challenges into Opportunities

In politics, crises are inevitable, and how a candidate responds can significantly impact their campaign. Having a robust crisis communication plan in place is essential. Candidates must be prepared to address issues quickly, transparently, and with a solution-oriented mindset. Engaging directly with constituents on social media during a crisis demonstrates leadership and accountability​.

Expert Guidance for a Winning Strategy

Navigating the complexities of social media advertising in a political campaign can be daunting, especially in an uncertain political climate. Now that elections are talking place in December 2024, candidates must be ready to engage voters effectively. Crafting a strategy that resonates with the Aruban electorate, aligns with local customs, and complies with platform guidelines requires specialized expertise.

At MAIA Marketing Agency, we are ready to help political candidates in Aruba develop a tailored, impactful social media strategy. Our team understands the unique challenges of the Aruban market and can guide you in making the right moves at the right time. Contact us today to ensure your campaign’s message reaches the right audience and leaves a lasting impression.


  1. Facebook Transparency Center. (2023). Facebook Ad Library

  2. TikTok for Business. (2023). TikTok Advertising Policies

  3. LinkedIn Marketing Solutions. (2023). Political Advertising on LinkedIn

  4. Twitter/X Transparency Center. (2023). Twitter Political Ads Policy

  5. Google Ads Help. (2023). Political Content Policy

  6. MAIA - Social Media Presentation for Political Candidates.

  7. MAIA - March 27 Presentation for Political Candidates.


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