Celebrating 40 Years of Passion and Success: An Interview with Eslaine Croes, Founder of MAIA Marketing Agency

"Stay true to your values and never compromise on your integrity. Success will follow when you lead with honesty and authenticity."

Turning 40 is a significant milestone in anyone's life, but for Eslaine Croes, it marks an incredible journey of passion, resilience, and entrepreneurial spirit. As a true Leo, Eslaine's bold and charismatic personality shines brightly, embodying the fiery and confident traits of her zodiac sign. As the founder of MAIA Marketing Agency, her bubbly personality and spunky attitude have earned her a reputation for being underestimated. However, her dedication to delivering exceptional results in the marketing industry has consistently proven her naysayers wrong. We sat down with Eslaine to discuss her career, the challenges she faced, and the secrets to her success.

What inspired you to start MAIA Marketing Agency at this stage in your life?

After 15 years in the marketing industry, I felt it was the perfect time to leverage my experience and passion to create something of my own. I wanted to build an agency that not only delivers exceptional marketing services but also empowers and inspires other professionals, particularly women in the industry.

How has your background in marketing shaped your vision for MAIA?

My extensive experience in various marketing roles has given me a comprehensive understanding of what works and what doesn’t. It has shaped my vision to create an agency that integrates innovative strategies with a personal touch, ensuring each client receives a tailored approach that meets their unique needs.

What was your biggest challenge in the first year of MAIA, and how did you overcome it?

The biggest challenge was establishing our presence in a competitive market. We overcame this by focusing on delivering outstanding results for our clients, which naturally led to word-of-mouth referrals. Additionally, building strong relationships and networking within the community played a crucial role. Luckily, my work ethic is well-known on the island, and people trust my judgment and look to me for advice for their marketing needs.

What has been the most surprising thing about your journey with MAIA so far?

The most surprising thing has been the overwhelming support and positive feedback from the community. It’s incredibly rewarding to see how much people believe in our vision and appreciate our efforts.

Looking back, what’s one piece of advice you’d give your 20-year-old self?

Believe in yourself and your abilities. Don’t be afraid to take risks and step out of your comfort zone. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow and learn.

How has your experience in marketing evolved over the years?

The marketing landscape has changed dramatically with the advent of digital technologies. My experience has evolved to include a strong focus on digital marketing, data analytics, and the importance of creating engaging content that resonates with audiences across various platforms.

Describe a moment in your career that you’ll never forget.

Introducing Black Friday to the island for the brands I was working on is a moment I'll never forget. It was incredibly successful, drawing huge crowds and significantly boosting sales. What made it even more memorable was seeing the competition start to copy and implement the same strategy. It was a validation of our innovative approach and its impact on the market.

How did you navigate working in a male-dominated industry?

It required resilience and confidence. I focused on proving my worth through hard work, dedication, and consistently delivering results. Building a strong network of supportive colleagues and mentors also helped me navigate the challenges.

What's the most fun project you’ve worked on at MAIA?

We have a new client facing obstacles with their branding on the island. The new owners are very professional and want to fix and grow the business. Dealing with the social media backlash and the crazy situations that happen make this project fun despite the challenges. We are fully convinced that their brand has so much potential, and once the advertising campaigns are launched, I am excited to see their business grow and succeed.

If MAIA had a mascot, what would it be and why?

Our mascot would be a cheetah, lion, or black cat. These animals represent boldness, independence, and the need to hunt for success. They embody adaptability, creativity, and the ability to blend in and stand out when needed – qualities that are essential in marketing.

What’s your go-to strategy for brainstorming creative ideas?

I believe in collaborative brainstorming sessions where everyone’s ideas are welcomed. We often start with a fun icebreaker to get the creative juices flowing and then build on each other’s ideas in a supportive environment.

What’s one quirky habit you have at work that your team teases you about?

I am not a morning person, and until after 10 am, anything you tell me, I will not remember, or I will be very moody. My team finds this amusing and often teases me about it.

How does MAIA stand out from other marketing agencies?

MAIA stands out through our commitment to personalized service, transparency, and our passion for empowering our clients. We don’t just deliver marketing services; we partner with our clients to achieve their goals and grow together. It is one of the only agencies in Aruba that offers 360 marketing. We don’t only focus on one aspect but ensure all our clients get the full spectrum of services and integrated solutions where you can create synergies between the different media.

What’s your secret sauce for a successful marketing campaign, especially in today’s digital age?

The key is to combine data-driven insights with creativity. Understanding your audience and leveraging data to inform your strategy while also being creative in your approach is essential for success.

How do you keep up with the latest marketing trends while managing a new agency?

Continuous learning is a priority. I make it a point to attend industry conferences, participate in webinars, and read the latest research and case studies. Additionally, networking with other professionals helps keep me updated on current trends.

What’s one marketing myth you’d like to bust?

The myth that traditional marketing is dead. While digital marketing is crucial, traditional methods still have their place and can be very effective when integrated into a comprehensive strategy. Especially in Aruba, where radio and grassroots marketing are still very prominent. Older demographics still read newspapers, and grassroots efforts like flyers, promotional items, and sponsorships all have a very important role in creating a comprehensive 360 marketing campaign on Aruba.

How do you approach marketing for different types of businesses and industries?

Every business is unique, so our approach is always tailored. We start with in-depth research to understand the industry and the specific needs of the business. From there, we develop customized strategies that align with their goals and audience.

How important is it for marketing professionals to have a diverse skill set, and how can they develop it?

It’s incredibly important. Marketing is multifaceted, and having a diverse skill set allows professionals to be more adaptable and effective. Continuous learning, seeking mentorship, and gaining hands-on experience across different areas are key to developing these skills. In Aruba, when people talk about marketing, they often only think about content creation or social media, while marketing has a full spectrum of services, media, creativity, strategy, research, etc., that are very important to get your message across to the right audience.

What significant changes have you observed in the marketing industry over the past 15 years?

The shift towards digital and data-driven marketing has been the most significant change. Social media, SEO, content marketing, and data analytics have transformed how we approach marketing.

How do you ensure transparency and honesty in your client relationships?

Transparency and honesty are foundational values at MAIA. We maintain open communication, provide clear reports and updates, and always set realistic expectations with our clients. We also ensure that our clients know what to expect from the beginning. We manage their expectations with elaborate briefings to understand their business in and out so that we can provide solutions that work for them. We are very clear from the beginning about what our prices include, and if there is anything out of scope, we let them know immediately. We keep receipts of everything and are fully transparent when sharing with our clients.

What’s the vibe like at MAIA’s office?

Our office vibe is dynamic and collaborative. We foster a fun, supportive environment where creativity is encouraged, and everyone’s ideas are valued.

How do you empower and inspire your team every day, especially being a new agency?

I lead by example, showing dedication and passion in everything I do. I also ensure that everyone feels heard and appreciated, providing opportunities for professional growth and encouraging a culture of continuous learning.

What are your future plans for MAIA? Any exciting projects in the pipeline?

We have several exciting projects in the pipeline, including expanding our services to new markets and developing innovative digital campaigns for our clients. Our goal is to continue growing while maintaining our commitment to quality and personalized service.

How do you plan to expand your agency's services and reach in the future?

We plan to expand by building strategic partnerships, investing in cutting-edge technologies, and continuously refining our service offerings to meet the evolving needs of our clients.

How do you envision MAIA contributing to the business community in Aruba?

I envision MAIA as a catalyst for growth in the local business community. We aim to empower local businesses with effective marketing strategies, provide mentorship to aspiring entrepreneurs, and contribute to the overall economic development of Aruba.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

The best advice I’ve received is to stay true to your values and never compromise on your integrity. Success will follow when you lead with honesty and authenticity.

What’s one thing you wish you knew before starting your own agency at this point in your life?

I wish I had known the importance of building a strong support network from the start. Having a network of mentors, peers, and advisors can make a significant difference in navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship. Also, the importance of solid agreements and contracts, understanding the government red tape involved, getting more help with accounting and taxes that are very complicated on the island to ensure everything runs smoothly and that we stay within the corporate laws of the island. I wish I had better mentors in those areas.

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs in Aruba?

My advice is to be fearless in pursuing your dreams. Take calculated risks, learn from your failures, and stay persistent. Surround yourself with supportive people and never stop learning.

What advice would you give to someone starting their career in marketing today?

Embrace continuous learning and be adaptable. The marketing industry is constantly evolving, and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is crucial. Also, focus on building strong relationships and always prioritize delivering value to your clients.

Eslaine Croes' journey is a testament to her tenacity, creativity, and unwavering commitment to her craft. As she celebrates her 40th birthday, we celebrate her achievements and look forward to the continued success of MAIA Marketing Agency. Cheers to many more years of inspiration and innovation!


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